In the fourth and final installment of our series, “Sowing Soil with Soul” in partnership with Soul Pitt Media, we visit the Oasis Farm & Fishery, which uses aquaponics with catfish to grow herbs.
In the third installment of our four-part series, “Sowing Soil with Soul” in partnership with Soul Pitt Media, we visit the Freeman Family Farm & Greenhouse.
In the second installment of our four-part series, “Sowing Soil with Soul” in partnership with Soul Pitt Media, we visit the Mwanakuche Community Garden.
In the first installment of our four-part series, “Sowing Soil with Soul” in partnership with Soul Pitt Media, we visit Kent Bey of the Peace and Friendship Farm.
Researchers received about $1.35 million from the U.S. EPA to study basement flooding in Homewood and the Hill District, as climate change worsens storms.
Clean Air Council wants monitors in public areas in communities in Delaware County that have poor air quality so residents can start "talking to each other about what’s happening."