Pittsburgh restaurants are recycling oyster shells to help restore the Chesapeake Bay. We report from Scotland about how ethane from Pa.’s fracking boom is fueling the world’s thirst for plastic. Researchers are trying to figure out what’s killing apple trees. Pennsylvania will join a regional cap-and-trade program for carbon emissions. Using artificial intelligence to predict landslides.
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Robotics Researcher Developing ‘Early-Warning’ System for Landslides - A CMU scientist is using photographs of Pittsburgh hillsides to predict where landslides are more likely to occur. Climate change will bring more heavy rains and landslides.
Meet the Coal Town Betting Big on Outdoor Recreation - Without a mythical creature and mountain biking, "the hole we would be digging ourselves out of would become so much deeper."
Gov. Wolf Plans for Pennsylvania to Join a Regional Effort to Cut Carbon Emissions - The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative requires power plants to pay for their emissions. Wolf bypassed the legislature with an executive order.
Ethane from Pa.’s Fracking Boom Is Fueling Plastics Production Overseas - The plastics industry relies on dirt-cheap American shale gas to feed its chemical plants and the globe’s growing hunger for plastics.
Restoring the Chesapeake Bay One Oyster Shell at a Time - Some Pittsburgh restaurants are collecting oyster shells for new homes for baby oysters. More than eight billion 'spat on shell' have been added to the bay in the effort.
‘It’s Just Baffling’: Apple Growers Face an Unknown Threat That’s Killing Trees - Rapid Apple Decline could be caused by a combination of factors like weather, herbicides or newer farming methods.