
Prove your humanity

Full Episode

Our 29-minute program airs weekly on radio stations in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. Find a listing HERE. Or, subscribe to our PODCAST, so you’ll never miss an episode.

Episode for June 24, 2016

In this episode, we explore whether the state is doing enough to help citizens with fracking-related water issues and check out how Shell's new chemical plant could roll back the region's recent gains on air quality.

Episode for June 10, 2016

In this episode, we explore Shell's plan to build a new petrochemical facility near Pittsburgh and check out a new photo exhibit that documents the lives and landscapes transformed by Pennsylvania's fracking boom.

Episode for May 27, 2016

In this episode, we check out some of our award-winning stories from 2016—including a look at a new battery technology that could give renewables a big boost and an investigation of a coal ash dump near Pittsburgh that may be causing health problems for a rural community and a nearby prison.